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The Importance of Proper HVAC Installation


There is no going without when it comes to the HVAC system in your home -- especially in the winter and summer seasons. So, when your heating or cooling system malfunctions, it is important to find reliable HVAC contractors to come and do some repairs.

But laying the foundation of a good air cooling and heating mechanism in your home starts long before something goes wrong. It starts at the installation of the system.

Check out these three reasons why HVAC installation is so important for homeowners:

Installation is Essential
Improper HVAC unit installation can raise energy costs by up to 30%. You read that right -- it is so important to make sure that ducts are unobstructed, seals are leakproof, and machinery is hooked up correctly. You could be seeing your energy bill in a whole different way. So, when you get a new HVAC system installed, don't choose the cheapest installation options. Go to reliable HVAC companies for air conditioning repair and installation that will get the job done properly. Then, if problems arise, be sure to come back for help if anything seems amiss.

Maintenance Starts On Day One
For example, if you have proper attic ventilation, you can see a reduction of HVAC energy bills by 10 to 12% on average. That means that as long as you have the whole system in place to maximize your HVAC, you will see lower bills and less HVAC repair costs over the year. Plus, you will probably stay warmer and cooler much faster. The less work your system has to do to fill up unnecessary nooks and crannies, the better it will perform. Plus, you won't need as much heating and air conditioning repair over the years.

Set It and Forget It
Installation, if done properly, can set you up for maximum comfort and savings for life. For instance, a programmable thermostat will save you an estimated $180 every year in energy costs, and it can be set to ready your home to maintain the best possible temperatures as soon as you walk through the doors each day.

With proper HVAC installation, a programmable thermostat, and well-placed insulation and ventilation, you can drastically decrease the heating and cooling needs of your home.

Remember: all HVAC systems need are a little love and care to operate at their maximum potential. If you need help choosing an air conditioning unit for your home or need a professional HVAC installation, give us a call today.
